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Zoned Block Device Emulation

Emulated zoned block devices make it possible to do application development and kernel tests even if you do not have access to zoned storage hardware.

There are several ways available to create an emulated zoned block device.

  1. The null_blk kernel block device driver: this is by far the easiest method to emulate a zoned block device with different zone configurations mimicking both SMR and ZNS devices.

  2. The scsi-debug kernel block device driver: this driver is simple to use but only makes it possible to create emulated SCSI ZBC hard disks.

  3. The tcmu-runner SCSI device emulation: this application uses a regular file as its storage backstore. It can emulate host-aware and host-managed ZBC SCSI disks. Disks created with tcmu-runner are treated by the Linux kernel as though they were physical disks.

  4. The QEMU open source machine emulator and virtualizer: recent versions of QEMU support the emulation of NVMe devices with Zoned Namespace support. These use regular files on the host as a backstores. Within a guest VM, an emulated ZNS device acts like a physical device.

Zoned Block Device Emulation with null_blk

The Linux® null_blk driver is a powerful tool that can emulate several types of block devices. Since kernel version 4.19, the null_blk driver has been able to emulate zoned block devices. Because memory backup has been added to the null_blk device for data-reading and data-writing operations, the null_blk driver can be used for application development and tests.

Creating a Zoned null Block Device — Simplest Case

The simplest way to create a null_blk emulated zoned block device is to specify zoned=1 as an argument following the modprobe null_blk command on the command line, as in the following example:

# modprobe null_blk nr_devices=1 zoned=1

This creates a single, host-managed zoned block device that has a zone size of 256M and a total capacity of 250 GB (1000 zones). This simple command creates no conventional zones.

# blkzone report /dev/nullb0
start: 0x000000000, len 0x080000, cap 0x080000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000080000, len 0x080000, cap 0x080000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000100000, len 0x080000, cap 0x080000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000180000, len 0x080000, cap 0x080000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x01f300000, len 0x080000, cap 0x080000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x01f380000, len 0x080000, cap 0x080000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]

Listing null_blk Zoned Block Device Parameters

The null_blk kernel module accepts many arguments that can adjust the zone configuration of the emulated device. These arguments can be listed by using the modinfo command and can be modified by using the configfs command after the null_blk module is loaded.

# modinfo null_blk
parm: zoned:Make device as a host-managed zoned block device. Default: false (bool)
parm: zone_size:Zone size in MB when block device is zoned. Must be power-of-two: Default: 256 (ulong)
parm: zone_capacity:Zone capacity in MB when block device is zoned. Can be less than or equal to zone size. Default: Zone size (ulong)
parm: zone_nr_conv:Number of conventional zones when block device is zoned. Default: 0 (uint)
parm: zone_max_open:Maximum number of open zones when block device is zoned. Default: 0 (no limit) (uint)
parm: zone_max_active:Maximum number of active zones when block device is zoned. Default: 0 (no limit) (uint)

The parameters that are related to zoned-device emulation are shown in the table below.

zoned0 or 1Disable or enable zoned mode (default: disabled)
zone_sizezone size in MiBThe size of each zone (default: 256)
zone_capacityzone capacity in MiBThe capacity of each zone (default: zone size)
zone_nr_convnumberNumber of conventional zones (default: 0)
zone_max_opennumberMaximum number of open zones (default: 0, meaning no limit)
zone_max_activenumberMaximum number of active zones (default: 0, meaning no limit)

Creating a null_blk Zoned Block Device — More Advanced Cases (configfs)

To create an emulated zoned block device with null_blk, as shown above, the modprobe command can be used. Additional parameters can be passed to this command to configure the emulated disk.

# modprobe null_blk nr_devices=1 \
zoned=1 \
zone_nr_conv=4 \
zone_size=64 \

In this example, the arguments mean the following:

  1. nr_devices=1 means that only one (1) device will be created.
  2. zoned=1 means that all devices that are created will be zoned devices.
  3. zone_nr_conv=4 sets the number of conventional zones to four (4).
  4. zone_size=64 sets the size of each zone to sixty-four (64) megabytes.

The configfs interface of the null_blk driver provides a way to create emulated zoned block devices. The configfs parameters of the null_blk driver can be listed by running the following commands:

# modprobe null_blk nr_devices=0

# cat /sys/kernel/config/nullb/features

The configfs interface can be used to script the creation of emulated zoned block devices with a range of possible zone configurations. An example is provided below.


if [ $# != 4 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <sect size (B)> <zone size (MB)> <nr conv zones> <nr seq zones>"
exit 1

scriptdir=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)

modprobe null_blk nr_devices=0 || return $?

function create_zoned_nullb()
local nid=0
local bs=$1
local zs=$2
local nr_conv=$3
local nr_seq=$4

cap=$(( zs * (nr_conv + nr_seq) ))

while [ 1 ]; do
if [ ! -b "/dev/nullb$nid" ]; then
nid=$(( nid + 1 ))

mkdir "$dev"

echo $bs > "$dev"/blocksize
echo 0 > "$dev"/completion_nsec
echo 0 > "$dev"/irqmode
echo 2 > "$dev"/queue_mode
echo 1024 > "$dev"/hw_queue_depth
echo 1 > "$dev"/memory_backed
echo 1 > "$dev"/zoned

echo $cap > "$dev"/size
echo $zs > "$dev"/zone_size
echo $nr_conv > "$dev"/zone_nr_conv

echo 1 > "$dev"/power

echo mq-deadline > /sys/block/nullb$nid/queue/scheduler

echo "$nid"

nulldev=$(create_zoned_nullb $1 $2 $3 $4)
echo "Created /dev/nullb$nulldev"

This script ( takes four arguments:

  1. the sector size in bytes of the emulated device
  2. the device zone size in MiB
  3. the number of conventional zones (which can be 0)
  4. the number of sequential write required zones.

Memory-backing for written sectors can be turned on with this script (the relevant part is memory_backed=1 or, as it appears in this example, echo 1 > "$dev"/memory_backed). This enables runtime persistence of the data written to the sectors of the emulated device. The writen data is lost when the emulated device is destroyed.

For example, a small zoned device with 4 conventional zones and 8 sequential write-required zones of 64 MiB can be created with the following command:

# 4096 64 4 8
Created /dev/nullb0
# blkzone report /dev/nullb0
start: 0x000000000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 0(nw) [type: 1(CONVENTIONAL)]
start: 0x000020000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 0(nw) [type: 1(CONVENTIONAL)]
start: 0x000040000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 0(nw) [type: 1(CONVENTIONAL)]
start: 0x000060000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 0(nw) [type: 1(CONVENTIONAL)]
start: 0x000080000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x0000a0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x0000c0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x0000e0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000100000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000820000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000840000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000860000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]

Deleting a null_blk Zoned Block Device

There are two ways to delete null_blk zoned block devices. One way is used to delete null_blk zoned block devices that were created using modprobe and the other way is used to delete null_blk zoned block devices that were created using configfs.

Deleting ZBD that were created with modprobe

Emulated devices created by using modprobe (and not created using configfs) can be deleted by removing the null_blk kernel module:

# rmmod null_blk

This command does not delete emulated devices that were created through the configfs interface.

Deleting ZBD that were created with configfs

The following script is the counterpart of the zoned block device creation script shown above. It can be used to destroy null_blk devices created through configfs.


if [ $# != 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <nullb ID>"
exit 1


if [ ! -b "/dev/nullb$nid" ]; then
echo "/dev/nullb$nid: No such device"
exit 1

echo 0 > /sys/kernel/config/nullb/nullb$nid/power
rmdir /sys/kernel/config/nullb/nullb$nid

echo "Destroyed /dev/nullb$nid"

Emulating SMR HDD

The script makes it possible to create zoned block devices that correspond to a possible configuration of an SMR hard disk, with no limit on the maximum number of open zones. This script can be modified to add a limit to the number of open zones on the emulated device (the zone_max_open parameter controls this), to more faithfully emulate an SMR HDD's characteristics.

The zone_capacity and zone_max_active parameters should not be used when the emulated device is meant to mimic the characteristics of an SMR hard disk.

Emulating SSD with ZNS support

The zone_capacity and zone_max_active parameters make it possible to create an emulated zoned block device that mimics the characteristics of a SSD with Zoned Namespace support. The zone_capacity parameter is used to specify the number of sectors in each zone that can be read and written. The zone_max_active argument is used to specify a limit on the number of zones that can be in the closed state, the implicit-open state, or the explicit-open state.

SMR Hard Disk Emulation with scsi_debug

The scsi_debug kernel module can be used to create emulated ZBC SCSI disks that use memory backing to store data, which is written to sectors. Because this method uses memory as a backing store, the creation of large disks requires a host with a large amount of DRAM.


This method stores sector data using volatile memory. This means that the data written to the emulated device will not survive the device's destruction and the data written to this emulated device will not survive a host reboot.

Creating an Emulated ZBC Disk

scsi_debug ZBC disks can be created using modprobe with arguments. The following is an example that creates a host managed ZBC disk with 16GiB capacity, 64MiB zones, and 32 conventional zones.

# modprobe scsi_debug \
max_luns=1 \
sector_size=4096 \
dev_size_mb=16384 \
zbc=managed \
zone_size_mb=64 \

After the disk has been created, it can be examined by using the lsscsi command.

# lsscsi -g
[11:0:0:0] zbc Linux scsi_debug 0190 /dev/sdj /dev/sg9

The vendor field of the disk is set to "scsi_debug". The kernel messages also show the process whereby this disk came online.

# dmesg
scsi_debug:sdebug_driver_probe: scsi_debug: trim poll_queues to 0. poll_q/nr_hw = (0/1)
scsi host11: scsi_debug: version 0190 [20200710]
dev_size_mb=16384, opts=0x0, submit_queues=1, statistics=0
scsi 11:0:0:0: Direct-Access-ZBC Linux scsi_debug 0190 PQ: 0 ANSI: 7
sd 11:0:0:0: Power-on or device reset occurred
sd 11:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg9 type 20
sd 11:0:0:0: [sdj] Host-managed zoned block device
sd 11:0:0:0: [sdj] 4194304 4096-byte logical blocks: (17.2 GB/16.0 GiB)
sd 11:0:0:0: [sdj] Write Protect is off
sd 11:0:0:0: [sdj] Mode Sense: 5b 00 10 08
sd 11:0:0:0: [sdj] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, supports DPO and FUA
sd 11:0:0:0: [sdj] Optimal transfer size 4194304 bytes
sd 11:0:0:0: [sdj] 256 zones of 16384 logical blocks
sd 11:0:0:0: [sdj] Attached SCSI disk

Verifying The Emulated Disk

The zone configuration of the emulated disk can be inspected by using libzbc, sg3utils and util-linux tools.

Using zbc_report_zones

Use zbc_report_zones to verify the zone configuration of the newly-created emulated ZBC disk:

# zbc_report_zones /dev/sg9
Device /dev/sg9:
Vendor ID: Linux scsi_debug 0190
SCSI ZBC device interface, Host-managed zone model
33554432 512-bytes sectors
4194304 logical blocks of 4096 B
4194304 physical blocks of 4096 B
17.180 GB capacity
Read commands are unrestricted
4096 KiB max R/W size
Maximum number of open sequential write required zones: 8
256 zones from 0, reporting option 0x00
256 / 256 zones:
Zone 00000: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 0, 131072 sectors
Zone 00001: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 131072, 131072 sectors
Zone 00002: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 262144, 131072 sectors
Zone 00031: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 4063232, 131072 sectors
Zone 00032: type 0x2 (Sequential-write-required), cond 0x1 (Empty), reset recommended 0, non_seq 0, sector 4194304, 131072 sectors, wp 4194304
Zone 00033: type 0x2 (Sequential-write-required), cond 0x1 (Empty), reset recommended 0, non_seq 0, sector 4325376, 131072 sectors, wp 4325376
Zone 00254: type 0x2 (Sequential-write-required), cond 0x1 (Empty), reset recommended 0, non_seq 0, sector 33292288, 131072 sectors, wp 33292288
Zone 00255: type 0x2 (Sequential-write-required), cond 0x1 (Empty), reset recommended 0, non_seq 0, sector 33423360, 131072 sectors, wp 33423360

Using blkzone

Use blkzone to verify the zone configuration of the newly-created emulated ZBC disk. This displays the same information that is returned by "zbc_report_zones", but it is displayed in a different format:

# blkzone report /dev/sdj
start: 0x000000000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 0(nw) [type: 1(CONVENTIONAL)]
start: 0x000020000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 0(nw) [type: 1(CONVENTIONAL)]
start: 0x000040000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 0(nw) [type: 1(CONVENTIONAL)]
start: 0x0003e0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 0(nw) [type: 1(CONVENTIONAL)]
start: 0x000400000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000420000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x001fc0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x001fe0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x020000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]

SMR Hard Disk Emulation with tcmu-runner

Detailed information on how to install and operate tcmu-runner can be found in the tcmu-runner ZBC Disk Emulation chapter of the Tools and Libraries Guide.

tcmu-runner ZBC File Handler

The ZBC file handler is an internal device handler of tcmu-runner that emulates a ZBC SCSI disk and uses a file as a backstore. The tcmu-runner infrastructure connects the emulated disk to a virtual HBA that has been implemented as a kernel driver. This structure provides a command path for the emulated disk that is identical to the command path that would be available if a physical disk were in its place. Applications and kernel components will not perceive any difference.

The tcmu-runner ZBC Disk Emulation chapter of the Tools and Libraries guide describes in more detail the options available for creating emulated disks. These include the disk zone model, the disk zone size, the disk capacity, and the number of conventional zones of the disk.

The following example shows how to create a small (20 GB) host-managed ZBC disk that has 10 conventional zones and a 256 MiB zone size. In this example, the emulated disk capacity is stored in the file /var/local/zbc0.raw.

# targetcli
targetcli shell version 2.1.fb49
Copyright 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc and others.
For help on commands, type 'help'.

/> cd /backstores/user:zbc
/backstores/user:zbc> create name=zbc0 size=20G cfgstring=model-HM/zsize-256/conv-10@/var/local/zbc0.raw
Created user-backed storage object zbc0 size 21474836480.
/backstores/user:zbc> cd /loopback
/loopback> create
Created target naa.500140529100d742.
/loopback> cd naa.500140529100d742/luns
/loopback/naa...9100d742/luns> create /backstores/user:zbc/zbc0 0
Created LUN 0.
/loopback/naa...9100d742/luns> cd /
/> ls
o- / ..................................................................... [...]
o- backstores .......................................................... [...]
| o- block .............................................. [Storage Objects: 0]
| o- fileio ............................................. [Storage Objects: 0]
| o- pscsi .............................................. [Storage Objects: 0]
| o- ramdisk ............................................ [Storage Objects: 0]
| o- user:fbo ........................................... [Storage Objects: 0]
| o- user:poma .......................................... [Storage Objects: 0]
| o- user:zbc ........................................... [Storage Objects: 1]
| o- zbc0 [model-HM/zsize-256/conv-10@/var/local/zbc0.raw (20.0GiB) activated]
| o- alua ............................................... [ALUA Groups: 1]
| o- default_tg_pt_gp ................... [ALUA state: Active/optimized]
o- iscsi ........................................................ [Targets: 0]
o- loopback ..................................................... [Targets: 1]
| o- naa.500140529100d742 ............................. [naa.50014059e05d5424]
| o- luns ........................................................ [LUNs: 1]
| o- lun0 ................................. [user/zbc0 (default_tg_pt_gp)]
o- vhost ........................................................ [Targets: 0]
/> exit

Verifying The Emulated Disk

You can verify that the emulated disk has been identified and initialized by the kernel in the same way that you verify the kernel identification and initialization of Serial ATA disks and SAS disks, as discussed in the Getting started with an SMR disk chapter.

Identify the emulated disk by looking at the disk vendor ID that is displayed by the lsscsi utility:

# lsscsi -g
[2:0:0:0] disk ATA INTEL SSDSC2CT18 335u /dev/sda /dev/sg0
[5:0:0:0] zbc ATA HGST HSH721415AL T220 /dev/sdb /dev/sg1
[11:0:1:0] zbc LIO-ORG TCMU ZBC device 0002 /dev/sdc /dev/sg2

In this example, the emulated disk is listed with the device vendor name "LIO-ORG" and the device model name is "TCMU ZBC device".

As with physical ZBC and ZAC disks, the kernel messages will show that the drive has been identified and initialized:

# dmesg
scsi host11: TCM_Loopback
scsi 11:0:1:0: Direct-Access-ZBC LIO-ORG TCMU ZBC device 0002 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
sd 11:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 20
sd 11:0:1:0: [sdc] Host-managed zoned block device
sd 11:0:1:0: [sdc] 41943040 512-byte logical blocks: (21.5 GB/20.0 GiB)
sd 11:0:1:0: [sdc] 80 zones of 524288 logical blocks
sd 11:0:1:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off
sd 11:0:1:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 0f 00 00 00
sd 11:0:1:0: [sdc] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
sd 11:0:1:0: [sdc] Optimal transfer size 65536 bytes
sd 11:0:1:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI disk


The kernel identifies the emulated disk in the same way that it would identify a physical SAS host managed disk (that is, with the device type "Direct-Access-ZBC").

The emulated disk can now be used in the same manner as any physical disk. For instance, the blkzone or zbc_report_zones utilities can be used to inspect the disk zone configuration:

# zbc_report_zones /dev/sdc
Device /dev/sdc:
Vendor ID: LIO-ORG TCMU ZBC device 0002
Zoned block device interface, Host-managed zone model
41943040 512-bytes sectors
41943040 logical blocks of 512 B
41943040 physical blocks of 512 B
21.475 GB capacity
Read commands are unrestricted
Maximum number of open sequential write required zones: 35
80 zones from 0, reporting option 0x00
80 / 80 zones:
Zone 00000: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 0, 524288 sectors
Zone 00001: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 524288, 524288 sectors
Zone 00002: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 1048576, 524288 sectors
Zone 00003: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 1572864, 524288 sectors
Zone 00004: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 2097152, 524288 sectors
Zone 00005: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 2621440, 524288 sectors
Zone 00006: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 3145728, 524288 sectors
Zone 00007: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 3670016, 524288 sectors
Zone 00008: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 4194304, 524288 sectors
Zone 00009: type 0x1 (Conventional), cond 0x0 (Not-write-pointer), sector 4718592, 524288 sectors
Zone 00010: type 0x2 (Sequential-write-required), cond 0x1 (Empty), reset recommended 0, non_seq 0, sector 5242880, 524288 sectors, wp 5242880
Zone 00011: type 0x2 (Sequential-write-required), cond 0x1 (Empty), reset recommended 0, non_seq 0, sector 5767168, 524288 sectors, wp 5767168
Zone 00078: type 0x2 (Sequential-write-required), cond 0x1 (Empty), reset recommended 0, non_seq 0, sector 40894464, 524288 sectors, wp 40894464
Zone 00079: type 0x2 (Sequential-write-required), cond 0x1 (Empty), reset recommended 0, non_seq 0, sector 41418752, 524288 sectors, wp 41418752

Zoned Namespace Device Emulation with QEMU

QEMU has supported the emulation of NVMe namespaces since version 1.6. But the emulation of zoned namespaces has been supported only since version 6.0 of QEMU. If the host Linux distribution does not provide QEMU version 6.0 or above, QEMU has to be compiled from source. Detailed information on how to compile and install QEMU from source can be found on the QEMU download page.

Creating an Emulated Zoned Namespace

To create an emulated zoned namespace, you must first have a backing-store file that the namespace can use. The size of the file determines the capacity of the namespace that will be seen from the guest OS running in the QEMU virtual machine.

For example: to create a 32GiB zoned namespace, you must first create a 32 GiB file on the host. This can be done by using the truncate command to create a sparse file or by using the dd command to create a fully allocated file.

Creating the Backstore

This guide provides instructions for two methods of creating the backstore file:

  1. Using truncate
  2. Using dd
Using truncate to create an Emulated Zone Namespace Backstore

Run the following command to use truncate to create a backstore file:

# truncate -s 32G /var/lib/qemu/images/zns.raw

# ls -l /var/lib/qemu/images/zns.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34359738368 Jun 21 15:13 /var/lib/qemu/images/zns.raw
Using dd to create an Emulated Zone Namespace Backstore

Run the following command to use dd to create a backstore file:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/qemu/images/zns.raw bs=1M count=32768
32768+0 records in
32768+0 records out
34359738368 bytes (34 GB, 32 GiB) copied, 11.4072 s, 3.0 GB/s

# ls -l /var/lib/qemu/images/zns.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34359738368 Jun 22 11:22 /var/lib/qemu/images/zns.raw

Creating a ZNS and using the Backstore File

Execute QEMU with command-line options and arguments to create a zoned namespace that uses the backstore file as storage. In the following example, the backstore file is used to emulate a zoned namespace that has zones of 64 MiB and a zone capacity of 62 MiB. The namespace block size is 4096 B. The namespace is set to allow at most 16 open zones and 32 active zones.

# /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-device nvme,id=nvme0,serial=deadbeef,zoned.zasl=5 \
-drive file=${znsimg},id=nvmezns0,format=raw,if=none \
-device nvme-ns,drive=nvmezns0,bus=nvme0,nsid=1,logical_block_size=4096,\

Verifying an Emulated Zoned Namespace

If your guest operating system is a Linux distribution and the Linux distribution's kernel version is higher than 5.9.0, the emulated SSD with ZNS support can be checked by using the nvme command (see Linux Tools for ZNS.

# nvme list
Node SN Model Namespace Usage Format FW Rev
---------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------- ---------------- --------
/dev/nvme0n1 deadbeef QEMU NVMe Ctrl 1 34.36 GB / 34.36 GB 4 KiB + 0 B 1.0

The lsscsi utility shows the emulated NVMe device:

# lsscsi -g
[2:0:0:0] cd/dvd QEMU QEMU DVD-ROM 2.5+ /dev/sr0 /dev/sg0
[N:0:0:1] disk QEMU NVMe Ctrl__1 /dev/nvme0n1 -

Using the blkzone utility, the namespace zone configuration can be inspected.

# blkzone report /dev/nvme0n1 | less
start: 0x000000000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000020000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000040000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000060000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x000080000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x003f80000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x003fa0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x003fc0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]
start: 0x003fe0000, len 0x020000, cap 0x01f000, wptr 0x000000 reset:0 non-seq:0, zcond: 1(em) [type: 2(SEQ_WRITE_REQUIRED)]

The total number of zones of the namespace directly depends on the size of the backstore file used and on the zone size configured. In the above example, the emulated namespace has 512 zones (32 GiB / 64 MiB).

# cat /sys/block/nvme0n1/queue/nr_zones 

If the emulated namespace is configured with a zone capacity smaller than the zone size, the total capacity defined by the backstore file will not be usable. The effective usable capacity can be reported using blkzone with the capacity command, as shown here:

# blkzone capacity /dev/nvme0n1

In this case, the namespace's effective storage capacity is 0x003e00000 (65011712) 512-Byte sectors, which is equivalent to 512 zones of 62 MiB capacity.

Using an Emulated Zoned Namespace

The behavior of a QEMU-emulated SSD with ZNS support is fully compliant with the NVMe Zoned Namespace Command Set specification, with one exception: the state of namespace zones is not persistent across restarts of the QEMU emulation. The state of zones is preserved only as long as QEMU is running, even if the guest operating system is rebooted. If QEMU is restarted and the same backstore file is used, then the guest operating system will see the namespace with all zones in the empty state.

Emulated Zoned Namespace Options

The implementation of NVMe device emulation and ZNS namespace emulation in QEMU provides several configuration options to control the characteristics of the device. The full list of options and parameters is documented here.

The options and parameters related to Zoned Namespaces are as follows.

OptionDefault ValueDescription
zoned.zasl=UINT320Zone Append Size Limit. If left at the default (0), the zone append size limit will be equal to the maximum data transfer size (MDTS). Otherwise, the zone append size limit is equal to 2 to the power of zasl multiplied by the minimum memory page size (4096 B), but cannot exceed the maximum data transfer size.
zoned.zone_size=SIZE128MiBDefine the zone size (ZSZE)
zoned.zone_capacity=SIZE0Define the zone capacity (ZCAP). If left at the default (0), the zone capacity will equal the zone size.
zoned.descr_ext_size=UINT320Set the Zone Descriptor Extension Size (ZDES). Must be a multiple of 64 bytes.
zoned.cross_read=BOOLoffSet to "on" to allow reads to cross zone boundaries.
zoned.max_active=UINT320Set the maximum number of active resources (MAR). The default (0) allows all zones to be active.
zoned.max_open=UINT320Set the maximum number of open resources (MOR). The default (0) allows all zones to be open. If zoned.max_active is specified, this value must be less than or equal to that.

QEMU Execution Example

The following script uses QEMU to run a virtual machine with 8 CPU cores, 16 GiB of memory, and bridged networking. The bridge device virbr0 is assumed already to exist. The last device added to the virtual machine on the QEMU command line is a 32 GiB NVMe device with Zoned Namespace support.


# Some variables

# Run QEMU
sudo /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
-name guest=FedoraServer34 \
-machine pc-q35-5.2,accel=kvm \
-m 16384 \
-smp 8,sockets=8,cores=1,threads=1 \
-rtc base=utc,driftfix=slew \
-nographic \
-no-hpet \
-global ICH9-LPC.disable_s3=1 \
-global ICH9-LPC.disable_s4=1 \
-boot strict=on \
-audiodev none,id=noaudio \
-object rng-random,id=objrng0,filename=/dev/urandom \
-msg timestamp=on \
-device pcie-root-port,port=0x10,chassis=1,id=pci.1,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x2 \
-netdev bridge,id=hostnet0,br=${bridge} \
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:fa:2d:b9,bus=pci.1,addr=0x0 \
-device pcie-root-port,port=0x11,chassis=2,id=pci.2,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x2.0x1 \
-blockdev node-name="vmstorage",driver=qcow2,file.driver=file,file.filename="${vmimg}",file.node-name="vmstorage.qcow2",file.discard=unmap \
-device virtio-blk-pci,bus=pci.2,addr=0x0,drive="vmstorage",id=virtio-disk0,bootindex=1 \
-device pcie-root-port,port=0x12,chassis=3,id=pci.3,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x2.0x2 \
-device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.3,addr=0x0 \
-device pcie-root-port,port=0x13,chassis=4,id=pci.4,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x2.0x3 \
-device virtio-rng-pci,rng=objrng0,id=rng0,bus=pci.4,addr=0x0 \
-device pcie-root-port,port=0x14,chassis=5,id=pci.5,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x2.0x4 \
-device nvme,id=nvme0,serial=deadbeef,zoned.zasl=5,bus=pci.5 \
-drive file=${znsimg},id=nvmezns0,format=raw,if=none \
-device nvme-ns,drive=nvmezns0,bus=nvme0,nsid=1,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096,zoned=true,zoned.zone_size=64M,zoned.zone_capacity=62M,zoned.max_open=16,zoned.max_active=32,uuid=5e40ec5f-eeb6-4317-bc5e-c919796a5f79